
Jennifer Lawrence is Done as Mystique After 'X-men: Apocalypse'

By the time X-men: Apocalypse is over there may not be any blue-skinned mutants left. Not long ago it was Nicholas Hoult revealing that his contract to star as Beast was up after the film, although he expressed a clear desire to return. Now, while speaking with MTV, it's Jennifer Lawrence who says she's done playing Mystique when the production wraps. Her exact words were...

“It is my last one, actually.”

The timing on this can't be a coincidence. X-men: Apocalypse is said to explore a bit further the relationship between Beast and Mystique, which has been platonic although Beast clearly holds stronger feelings. We may be looking at a way for Bryan Singer to make a clear transition to a totally new group of X-men, and thus a new cast. Michael Fassbender seems to have had one foot out the door since X-men: First Class, and James McAvoy has plenty of other projects going on. The same goes for Lawrence, who has more than enough on her plate already.

So while Lawrence's departure hurts, it can hardly come as a shock. X-men: Apocalypse arrives on May 27th 2016.