
Unrated 'Fifty Shades of Grey' with Alternate Ending Hits Blu-Ray on May 8th

Are you curious for more Fifty Shades of Grey? Focus Features and Universal sure hope so. One of the chief complaints about the film, which has grossed more than $550M worldwide, was that it was a little tame compared to author E.L. James' novel. Well now there's more raunch coming your way when the unrated edition of Fifty Shades of Grey hits Blu-Ray on May 8th.

So what will this version have that the theatrical one didn't? An alternate ending for one thing, and that's notable since James and director Sam Taylor-Johnson fought over how the movie would end. There will also be more than two hours of bonus features and behind-the-scenes footage, but sadly none that prevent that hardware store scene from being cheesy as Hell.

You can check out the trailer for the unrated edition Blu-Ray below and pre-order your copy here. A Digital HD version will arrive a week earlier on May 1st.

50 nuances de Grey : la version non-censurée en Blu-Ray by FILMSACTU