
Christian Bale's Injury Delays 'The Deep Blue Good-by'

How Christian Bale managed to suffer a knee injury while filming the financial world drama The Big Short is anybody's guess, but it's apparently serious enough to cause a postponement of his next film, The Deep Blue Good-by. Deadline says filming on the adaptation of John D. MacDonald's novel has been pushed back long enough that director James Mangold will first tackle The Wolverine 3.

Bale injured his knee while at home, and there's no way he could take on the physically demanding role of "salvage consultant" Travis McGee. The Deep Blue Good-by is the first of MacDonald's 21 novel featuring the McGee character, so Fox is looking at a potential franchise here and protecting Bale is a priority. However, Bale's injuries won't stop production on The Big Short because it doesn't require much physical activity. It's probably just a bunch of guys crunching numbers and talking in hallways.

With The Wolverine 3 not scheduled to begin filming until next year for a 2017 release, fans of Travis McGee could be waiting quite awhile to see their hero on the big screen.