
Chris Pratt Calls "Bullsh*t" on those 'Ghostbusters' Rumors

You just can't trust anything anymore, not even leaked emails. Is nothing sacred? You may recall last year during the whole Sony email scandal that the studio was looking to have Chris Pratt and Channing Tatum be part of a Ghostbusters film that would expand on their established franchise, which includes a female-driven film led by Paul Feig. Those reports were seemingly confirmed just a couple of months ago, but perhaps somebody just pulled the whole thing out of their butts because Pratt says none of it is true. Only he says it in much harsher terms to Esquire...

"No one has ever even spoken to me about that," he told the magazine. "Never. I've even seen Channing a couple times. As far as I know, that's complete bullshit."

" 'Knight Rider' — bullshit. All of them."

Alrighty then, so the question is where did that story come from? It's not like this was just some one-off report that quickly vanished. This has been around for awhile and has been updated and so forth, so it isn't coming out of nowhere. Maybe it will only be Tatum? Who knows? The takeaway is probably not to trust everything you read, even when it comes from hacked emails.