
Guess Who is Going Bald for 'X-Men: Apocalypse'?

In the comics, Professor Charles Xavier NEVER has hair, except for when he's extremely young. Even when we see him as a teenager he looks like a stick of roll-on deodorant. James McAvoy is too much of a heartthrob for that to have been the case for X-Men: First Class and X-Men: Days of Future Past. With rumors swirling next year's X-Men: Apocalypse will be the end of Bryan Singer's X-Men, McAvoy is finally giving fans the Xavier they've been waiting for.

A new production still from Singer shows McAvoy getting his head shaved, just like the Xavier we all know and love. What reason they give for the sudden need for Rogaine will be interesting since there wasn't a hint of it before. Maybe it was his encounter with the older Xavier played by Patrick Stewart? Does this mean we'll see Magneto (Michael Fassbender) with gray hair?

X-Men: Apocalypse opens May 27th 2016.