
Ben Affleck Talks the Rage within Bruce Wayne in 'Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice'

While we will finally see the return of the Dark Knight when Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice opens next year, he was almost re-introduced in a very different way. Zack Snyder had an idea for the conclusion of Man of Steel that would have hammered home Batman's thoughts on Superman loud and clear...which is why it got shot down. He tells EW.....

“I said, ‘What about at the end of the movie we do a scene where there’s a crate full of kryptonite delivered to Wayne Manor,’”.Everyone was like…‘Okaay.’ Once you say it out loud it’s a problem because you can’t unsay it.”

And this is why it's good to have a solid braintrust overseeing these superhero universes. One false move can derail the whole thing. Simply put; you don't want to hot shot the introduction of a character like Batman. It's better to take the time to get it right and take a more nuanced approach. The version of the character we'll be seeing Ben Affleck play will be older, battle-fatigued, and maybe even a little desperate. Affleck says...

 “He’s on the verge of being swallowed up by the anger and the rage that we see haunt this character in the other manifestations of it. But this guy is further down the line and has become more embittered and cynical.”

But don't think just because Batman didn't get Kryptonite in the prior film that he's against using it now. One thing Batman doesn't do is go into a fight unprepared, as suggested by this caption...

"If you’re going toe-to-toe with the son of Jor-El, you better come correct. For his climactic rooftop brawl with Superman, Batman outfits himself with a reinforced mech-suit equipped with strength-augmenting armor and, yes, kryptonite. The design resembles the one used for the confrontation between these two in Frank Miller’s The Dark Knight Returns."

If Batman's view of the world is dark, what about Superman? The trailer released some time back heavily suggested that the world has taken a mixed view on the Kryptonian after he saved Metropolis. Some seem to worship him as a god, while others, possibly driven by Lex Luthor's machinations, fear him as a threat. Henry Cavill adds...

“I like to think that 'Man of Steel' was the perspective of the world from Clark, Kal-El, looking at the world and trying to exist with in it. 'Batman v Superman' is definitely more mankind’s perspective of Superman.”