
Check Out the Second Trailer for 'She's Funny That Way'!

I generally like my comedy simple, dumb and maybe just a little dirty. I'm a 90's Adam Sandler, 00's Judd Apatow kinda guy, but every once in a while the more artsy (not sure that's the right word but you get my gist, the Woody Allen type of comedy) comedy piques my interest and this second trailer for She's Funny That Way definitely fits that mold. Mentioning Woody Allen earlier was not a mistake, if not for the big title cards saying that Peter Bogdanovich was the filmmaker I would have bet money that Allen was behind it, you've got New York as a back drop and an almost...no not almost, totally confusing web of sex and relationships at the forefront. The real star of this trailer is, well, the stars. Showcasing the amazing comedic cast was a surefire way to win me over with Owen Wilson (who is still great in smaller doses), Jennifer Anniston, Imogen Poots (admittedly not known for comedic roles but seems to have the chops), Will Forte, Rhys Ifans (one of my favorite underrated actors working today), and the consistently hilarious and oddly attractive Kathryn Hahn there's no way this can go wrong. Just to solidify that, the writing we get a look at is razor sharp, the kind of comedy writing that gives legitimacy. Just note that this is based on two minutes of footage so if I'm totally wrong I'm giving myself an exit.

I'd be doing a disservice to everyone involved if I didn't hand out the bonus points in this movie for the casting of Richard Lewis, an all-time favorite of mine who has been all too absent in the last decade, and Jennifer Esposito who...well, I'm not going to sugar coat it I just think she's an amazing looking woman who I don't see enough of.

Check out the trailer below and then check out She's Funny That Way in theaters August 14th, 2015