
John C. Reilly Confirms His Return for 'Wreck-It-Ralph 2'

Even before Disney's Wreck-It-Ralph plopped $471M worth of quarters into the box office, talk had already begun about a sequel to the video game film. There hasn't been much talk about that since, but there has finally been movement as John C. Reilly confirmed on the RTE Arena radio show that he will return to voice the ham-fisted hero.

Prior director Rich Moore has talked about plans for the next story, saying he wants to find a way to incorporate iconic Nintendo characters like Mario and Link. There may even be a way to use the video game world of Tron since a third live-action movie was recently shelved. Obviously this is very early on but if Reilly is feeling comfortable enough to talk about it then more Wreck-It-Ralph 2 news could be on the way.