
'Tomb Raider' Reboot Seeking a Female Director

Needless pandering or Hollywood finally doing something about the lack of opportunities for female directors? That's the question that has been swirling around the sudden eagerness of studios to do something about the vast gender gap behind the camera, especially for bigger studio projects. Patty Jenkins taking on Wonder Woman (replacing Michelle MacLaren) was a start, and Marvel is apparently considering Ava DuVernay and Angelina Jolie for future projects, as well. Speaking of Jolie, her first breakout franchise, Tomb Raider, may be next to be led by a female helmer.

According to Heroic Hollywood, a female director is being sought for the Tomb Raider reboot, bringing back the video game adaptation that has been dormant since 2003's Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life. They're apparently seeking a "Michelle MacLaren type" which begs the question why don't they just hire MacLaren? Granted, she had a rough experience with Warner Bros. on Wonder Woman, they are distributors on this project, as well. Still, she would be a choice the fans would obviously support. It's probably more important to figure out who will be taking on the Lara Croft role first.

Evan Daugherty (Snow White and the Huntsman) wrote the most recent script, and the plan is to get moving on the film quickly which makes sense given the game's renewed popularity.