
'Monopoly' Film Passes Go with Andrew Niccol as Writer

Hasbro and Lionsgate have passed Go and are ready to collect a lot more than $200. The toy company has been developing for years a big screen film based on their classic board game nobody ever finishes, Monopoly. This all started after their relationship with Universal went south due to the steaming, flopping pile that was Battleship. And now Monopoly is officially happening and with a big name writer in place.

Andrew Niccol (Good Kill, Gattaca) will write the Monopoly screenplay, which won't just be about landing on Free Parking. The story will reportedly center on a boy from Baltic Avenue who uses both Chance and Community in a quest to make his fortune, taking him on a fun, adventure-filled journey. And don't be surprised if he has a little a pet dog, a rich Uncle Pennybags, and maybe even a giant thimble.

No word on a start date or director yet but expect all sides to take their time with this one. If it fails it won't be Monopoly money they're losing.