
Warner Bros. Confirms 'Batman v Superman' and More for Comic-Con

One thing I've learned after years of Comic-Con Hall H experiences is that the typically-rowdy crowds won't get hyped for everything. And boy, when nobody cares about a film's panel the deafening silence is crazy awkward. Hopefully that won't happen to Warner Bros., but their line-up this year outside of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice leaves that open to possibility.

The studio has confirmed their plans for Comic-Con's Hall H will include Batman v Superman, bringing along Zack Snyder and stars Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill , Amy Adams, Jesse Eisenberg, Jeremy Irons, Holly Hunter and Gal Gadot. There will also be some kind of sneak peek at the anticipated film, and if rumors hold up we may see something of Suicide Squad, as well.

Warner Bros. will also bring to the stage Joe Wright, Hugh Jackman, Garrett Hedlund, and Levi Miller from Pan. Jackman and Hedlund are old hats at this whole Comic-Con thing, but Joe Wright? Really? This does not seem like his scene.

Henry Cavill will then return to the stage along with Guy Ritchie, Alicia Vikander (!!!), Armie Hammer, and Elizabeth Debicki (!!!) for The Man from UNCLE. I foresee lots of quiet time during these latter panels, but I'll be too busy taking photos of Vikander and Debicki to care.

Warner Bros. hits Hall H on Saturday, June 11th at 10:30am.