
New 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' Footage Teases a Lightsaber Duel

If there's one thing to note whenever new Star Wars: The Force Awakens material is released, it's that we are only seeing whatever J.J. Abrams and Lucasfilm want us to see. He's already one of the most secretive filmmakers around, and a movie of this magnitude demands an even greater level of security. So keep that in mind while checking out the latest teaser, which reveals some new footage but keeps any answers firmly at bay.

Clocking in at only 15 seconds, this teaser focuses completely on new characters Finn (John Boyega), Rey (Daisy Ridley), the little droid BB-8, and the villain Kylo Ren (Adam Driver), who was recently revealed to not be a Sith Lord as many thought. In fact, it looks like that snowy image everyone has seen of Ren wielding his crossguard lightsaber is part of a showdown with Finn. Then again, that may be exactly what Abrams wants everyone to think.

Meanwhile, it's also been confirmed that Lucasfilm has struck a deal for it to be the only movie shown on IMAX for at least four weeks once it's released. During that time it will be the one film shown in North American IMAX theaters, and will hold the vast majority of international IMAX theaters, as well.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens opens December 18th.  Check out the teaser followed by some new photos courtesy of Empire.