When up 'n coming California DJ Cole (Zac Efron) breaks down the
necessary components for success, which has eluded him up to this point, he
figures all it takes is "a laptop, some talent, and one track". That
simplistic formula might as well apply to Max Joseph's ADD-addled We Are Your Friends, a
mash-up of every "young creatives with big dreams" movie you've ever
seen, set against the backdrop of the bass-heavy EDM scene. It's only when
Joseph, whose claim to fame is MTV's Catfish series, is able to capture the
sensual, rhythmic feel of the music that he taps into something fresh and
leaves behind the hokey tropes of the genre.. For all its faults, and there are
many, there is an energy coursing through it every time the beat drops that is
tough to deny.
When the music's not playing and the
beautiful bodies aren't gyrating at a well-rocked house party, We Are Your Friends is as familiar as an old lullaby. Cole
and his crew of rambunctious pals (Jonny Weston, Alex Shaffer, Shiloh
Fernandez) have dreams of breaking free of San Fernando Valley and hitting the
big time. But for now they are slummin' it on the outside, scraping by
promoting weekly house parties and living on one another's couches to get by.
But the fun they have makes it all worth it; their nights are filled with sex,
drugs, and music, a veritable cornucopia of debauchery and youthful exuberance.
One night after a solid spin, Cole hits on the gorgeous Sophie (Emily
Ratajkowski), unaware that her boyfriend is DJ James Reed (Wes Bentley), an
older DJ who has everything Cole aspires to: fame, fortune, and freedom to do
as he pleases. After a wild night of partying, James takes on Cole as his
friend and student, and it's a mentorship that threatens to ruin every other
relationship in Cole's life.
So does Cole stay true to his buddies, who
are rightfully referred to as a "bunch of gorillas"? Or does he leave
them behind in favor of pursuing his goals? It's a question we've seen play out
in this genre way too often, and it doesn't help that there's an equally rote
love story between Cole and Sophie who, shockingly, has greater aspirations
than her current station in life. There's also Cole's hunt to find his own
signature sound; to put together that one perfect mix that will set the EDM
world on fire and get hearts racing at the perfect 120 BPM.
Directed with all of the flourish one
might expect from an MTV host, We Are Your Friends zips along like a
drugged-out partygoer, splashing flashy graphics to mask the hokey screenplay.
But Joseph definitely has a certain visual flair, especially in a scene that
cleverly reworks the usual psychedelic trip. There's another great moment Cole
explains the nuances of rocking a party, and clever animation is used to show
the music's effect on the partygoers. With the aid of DP Brett Pawlak, who did
masterful work two years ago on Short
Term 12, the film gorgeously captures the laid back mood of the Valley;
taking us everywhere from ritzy mansions to dreary back alley clubs.
Unfortunately, Cole's aspirations never
come across as fully formed, and any roadblocks in his way don't seem to have
much of an impact. He's just that well-drawn of a character, this despite Efron
doing his best to express Cole's inner life. Efron's Adonis good looks continue
to be his greatest asset, but he's developed into a capable leading man
deserving of better material than this script provides. Bentley has the most to
work with by far, as James comes across as the most deeply layered figure of
the entire film. As the bitter, resentful, alcoholic James, Bentley never
overplays a single moment even when the screenplay seems to really want him to.
Instead, he captures James' anger and frustration as an aging star in an
evolving landscape catering to the young. Ratajowkski, in full-on pout mode, slinks
and twirls from scene to scene revealing enough cleavage to distract you from
her forgettable performance. In a small, under-written role in a meaningless
subplot, Jon Bernthal is sadly wasted as a shady real estate magnate who puts
the boys in a moral quandary.
Of course, an appreciation for electronica
will have a serious impact on your enjoyment. The soundtrack pulses, the beats
pump, and if that's your thing then it won't matter that We Are Your Friends doesn't have much to say about finding
one's own voice, or much to say about anything at all.
Rating: 3 out of 5