Christopher Lloyd, Michael J. Fox, and Google Have Fun with Back To The Future Day!
Exactly 30 years ago Marty McFly and Doc Brown traveled into the future to discover a world of wireless phones and video games, handheld computers, and literally thousands of TV channels. Doesn't sound so futuristic now, does it? Well, we didn't get the flying cars or hoverboards, but Back To the Future remains one of the seminal films of the '80s, which is why everyone is going crazy today for Back to the Future Day.
While I must confess to not being as excited about it as others, it's pretty cool to see Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd getting swept up in the moment. You may recall a scene in the film in which Brown uses a trash-fueling system to power the DeLorean. A similar system, one based on hydrogen technology, is being used in the Toyota Mirai, and it was introduced in a new video featuring Fox and Lloyd as their famous characters. Another video features Lloyd as Doc Brown and is to help promote the release of the Back to the Future 30th Anniversary Trilogy, which you can buy right here!
Oh, and in case you wanted to get a DeLorean of your own, Google has "leaked" plans for something called Project Flux, which is obviously in reference to the flux capacitor that allows the vehicle to time travel. Is it real? Not really, but cool nonetheless. Then again, they do have cars that drive themselves....