Don't Expect To See A 'Terminator Genisys' Sequel or TV Series
Remember Terminator Genisys? It only came out in July and yet it feels like a lifetime ago, perhaps because it didn't do squat here in the U.S. That said, it was HUGE everywhere else and ended up with $440M when all was said and done. That's not too shabby, but was it enough for Paramount to go ahead and green light the rest of the trilogy, not to mention the bridging TV series? Well, apparently not.
According to a piece in THR, Terminator sequels are "on hold indefinitely" as Paramount still stands to lose a bunch of money on the franchise. Now, Forbes claims sequels are inevitable so there may be some disagreement on Terminator's future, but it should be clear by now that it simply doesn't have that much drawing power. It has been diminishing returns for years and there was no interest in 'Genisys' from the moment it was announced until the time it hit theaters. Not even bringing Schwarzenegger back could turn the tide.
At this point it may in Paramount's best interests to just shut it down and wait for the rights to revert back to James Cameron so he can figure out what to do next.