
Box Office: Star Power Can't Help 'Our Brand is Crisis' or 'Burnt'

1. The Martian- $11.4M/$182.8M
2. Goosebumps- $10.2M/$57M
3. Bridge of Spies- $8M/$45.2M
4. Hotel Transylvania 2- $5.8M/$155.9M
5. Burnt (review here)- $5M
This was a rough week for two star powered major releases, neither of which did much of anything at the box office. The first is Burnt, which stars Bradley Cooper as a down 'n out chef looking to cook up a comeback.  The Weinstein Company backed the $20M film, loaded it up with an array of big names (Emma Thompson, Alicia Vikander, Uma Thurman and more) and nobody ordered it off the menu.  Audiences have had a steady diet of these culinary movies lately and that's probably one reason why they didn't show up, or perhaps they felt it looked too much like an extended episode of Cooper's old show, Kitchen Confidential.
6. The Last Witch Hunter- $4.7M/$18.6M
7. Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension- $3.4M/$13.5M
8. Our Brand is Crisis (review here - $3.4M
Not even the glut of kooky Presidential debates could stir up interest in Our Brand is Crisis, the political dramedy fronted by Sandra Bullock. The film is basically an extension of our current political climate, and why pay for that when you can flip on Fox News or MSNBC and see the same silliness? But still, the $28M film has the generally reliable Bullock as the headliner, and reviews that weren't completely horrible. So this has to be a disappointment for Warner Bros. who clearly saw this as a potential awards sleeper, hence the late year release date.  There's a better chance of Bobby Jindal winning the Presidency than Our Brand Is Crisis getting any kind of Oscar nominations.
9. Crimson Peak- $3.1M/$27.7M
10. Steve Jobs- $2.5M/$14.5M