
Julia Roberts Is 'Wife 22', Sarah Silverman Joins The 'Battle Of The Sexes'

According to The Tracking Board, Julia Roberts will produce and star in Wife 22, a dramedy based on Melanie Gideon's novel. Kris Swanberg, who directed Cobie Smulders in the excellent pregnancy drama, Unexpected, will write the script. Roberts plays a wife in the midst of a midlife crisis who agrees to anonymously take part in a survey on marital happiness, only to experience a reawakening through her confessions to the researcher. The story unfolds largely though social media, acting as a commentary on our Internet culture and the ease with which people share information online.  Next up for Julia Roberts is Jodie Foster's Money Monster starring George Clooney and Jack O'Connell.

Sarah Silverman is ready to join the Battle of the Sexes, the tennis film based on the 1973 match between feminist icon Billie Jean King and Bobby Riggs. With Emma Stone and Steve Carell in the lead roles, Silverman will play Gladys Heldman, founder of World Tennis Magazine and staunch supporter of King's as she faced the boisterous, chauvenistic Riggs. Also joining the cast is Austin Stowell (Bridge of Spies) as King's husband. Jonathan Dayton and Valerie Faris (Ruby Sparks) are directing, and they'll be aiming to beat out the other two movies based on the same event. [Deadline]