
New 'Wonder Woman' Image Reveals Robin Wright And Connie Nielsen As Amazonian Warriors

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice finally hits theaters tonight, but for press it's already a done deal. So far the reviews have been pretty bad (but not mine), with the exception that everyone seems to love Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman. This is actually surprising given the backlash against the actress playing DC's top female Justice Leaguer, and is a good sign going into her eventual solo film, which we now have a new photo from.

EW has debuted the new Wonder Woman image which not only shows Gal Gadot, but offers the first look at Connie Nielsen as her mother, Queen Hippolyta. She's flanked by Robin Wright and Lisa Loven Kongsli (Force Majeure) as her military aunts, General Antiope and Antiope's lieutenant, Menalippe. They're responsible for having raised and trained Diana Prince on the Amazonian island of Themyscira to be the fierce warrior she eventually became.

Director Patty Jenkins had this to say about the trio of immortal women...

“She is the only child they raised together. And their love for her manifests in a different way for each of them.”

Warner Bros. has also dropped a new 'Batman v Superman' image directly tied to Wonder Woman's solo film. In it we see a glimpse of her during WWII, alongside eventual lover Steve Trevor, played by Chris Pine.

Wonder Woman opens June 23rd 2017.