
Justin Chadwick To Direct Johnnie Cochran Biopic Starring Anthony Mackie

It's already been a busy year for Anthony Mackie with Captain America: Civil War, Triple 9, and his recent turn as Martin Luther King in HBO's All the Way, but he's only just getting started. Earlier this year we learned he'd be playing OJ Simpson super lawyer Johnnie Cochran in an untitled film, and now we know who his director will be.

Justin Chadwick (Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom) will direct the film which will have nothing to do with the OJ Simpson case. Instead it goes back further to one of Cochran's earliest cases, that of Cal State Long Beach football player Ron Settles, who was found hanged in his prison cell shortly after being pulled over and arrested for speeding in Los Angeles County. Police claimed it was a suicide, but Cochran got his body exhumed, proving that Settles had been murdered. The family was awarded $760K in a civil suit as a result.

Next up for Chadwick is the period drama Tulip Fever, which opens later this year and stars Alicia Vikander, Dane DeHaan, and Christoph Waltz. [Deadline]