
Michael Bay Reveals New Kid-Friendly Autobot Squeeks In 'Transformers: The Last Knight'

Michael Bay's Transformers movies don't resemble the '80s cartoons and toyline in the way many old school fans like me may want, but they do share the same purpose: to sell stuff to kids. That's why there was always a small, kid-friendly Autobot running around that could be turned into an action figure that children would beg their parents for. In the movies that character has traditionally been Bumblebee, but it looks like there's a new robotic cash cow named Squeeks who is ready to replace him in Transformers: The Last Knight.

Bay revealed on Instagram an image of young co-star Isabela Moner alongside the newest Autobot, Squeeks.

There isn't much known about Squeeks' personality, but we can see that he's old, rusted, and apparently has a busted up leg.  He has that same kind of cutesy appearance as BB-8, which probably means Squeeks will be the face of the movie's entire marketing campaign.  Step aside, Bumblebee.

Transformers: The Last Knight opens June 23rd 2017.