
The "Skwad" Assembles In New Comic Book-Style 'Suicide Squad' Poster

With Comic-Con about a month away we're starting to get a pretty good idea of which superhero movies will be shown off. Marvel has Doctor Strange and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 that will most definitely be there, and who knows what else will get announced. Warner Bros. will be using the event to try and change the negative perception after Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. That means their focus will likely be on Suicide Squad, which opens a few weeks later.

To help keep the hype train going, a new poster featuring the "Skwad" has been revealed, and this one's pretty cool. Not only does it have the team of villains altogether alongside Viola Davis as Amanda "The Wall" Waller, but the background has been done up in comic book style graphics. It's probably worth noticing that Enchantress (Cara Delevingne) always seems to be a bit separated from the group, an outsider among outsiders. And despite Joker (Jared Let) up there alongside Harley Quinn (Margot Robbie) and Deadshot (Will Smith) does anybody really think he's going to be a team player? Of course not.

Directed by David Ayer, Suicide Squad opens August 5th.