
We Might Be Getting A Big 'Justice League' Reveal On Tuesday

Over the last few days a select group of VERY lucky journalists (Including some friends of mine who I now hate) were invited to visit the London set of Warner Bros.' Justice League.  It was an interesting move to make, given that Suicide Squad is where all of the attention is at right now, but the reason probably has to do with changing the conversation about the DCU after 'Batman v Superman'. Whatever the reason, it sounds like something major is about to be revealed.

Some rumbling from the journalists who attended suggests that something will happen this coming Tuesday morning, likely when their embargo lifts. What could it be? Probably not a trailer; it's way too soon for that. It could be a photo of the cast assembled or some kind of featurette, but the former sounds risky and the latter kind of lame. We'll just have to wait and see what happens. If the photo isn't well-received we could get a situation like when Fox released that early image of Oscar Isaac in X-Men: Apocalypse. That put a bad taste in a lot of peoples' mouths and...gee, that movie didn't do so well, did it?

Justice League is still a long ways off, opening in November 2017.