Production Weekly has just released an official studio plot synopsis for Magneto: Origins. Personally I'm much more interested in seeing the Wolverine story, but Mr. Eric Lencher has quite a history himself. I also like that they are including Prof. X, this way we not only get a Magneto origin story, but also the birth of the X-Men, or at least the ideas that spawned them.
From Production Weekly:
"The original X-Men film began with a prologue that showed the character as a child being led to a concentration camp by Nazis and that is the period in which the Magneto film will take place. This setup will allow a future villain to at least flirt with the designation of protagonist since the character will be seen almost exclusively in his formative years."
"The storyline will heavily involve Professor X, the wheelchair-using X-Men leader. That character was a soldier in the allied force that liberated the concentration camps. The professor meets Magneto after the war and while they bond over the realisation that they are alike in their special powers, their differences soon turn them into enemies."
NOTE: Where the HELL is all the Wolverine marketing...a trailer...more set pics...SOMETHING. All we've had so far is that bad ass trailer from comic con that most of us only got to have see through some shitty cell phone video....C'MON, BRING OUT WOLVIE, BUB!