I was never a huge fan of Quentin Tarantino. When everyone else was singing his praises as the "second coming" or some sort, I was the lone guy in the crowd saying "Eh, he's aiight". Call me crazy but Reservoir Dogs never struck a chord with me, and it took about 10 viewings before I finally like Pulp Fiction. The movie that changed my mind about QT was Kill Bill vol. 1. A perfect revenge caper that stroked every classic kung-fu chord in my body. Then he topped it in a totally different way with Vol 2. It really showed me the depth of his ability as filmmaker to make one complete story told in two polar opposite ways. Awesome stuff. For years QT has been talking about a DVD/Blu-Ray release that puts the entire story together, including added scenes that were left on the cutting room floor. Well, after years of waiting, that complete film is finally getting close to completion.
In an interview with Sci-Fi Wire, Tarantino let loose a few tidbits on what we can expect from the package...
"When I'm through with this, I can actually finish the final Kill Bill: The Whole Bloody Affair," Tarantino told reporters Sunday in a group interview in Beverly Hills, Calif.
"I need to do one thing with it, though," Tarantino said. "I'm not going to monkey around with the movie itself, but we've actually done a whole new section for the anime as the last thing [we added]. I actually wrote a much longer script for the anime section during O-Ren's revenge chapter. Remember the guy with the long hair that kills her father? It's like, what happened to that dude? Well, I wrote it and it was the biggest, most elaborate thing I wrote—her taking him down."
I always felt like the anime sequence was the one spot that needed fleshing out, and apparently QT feels the exact same way. I'm hoping this won't just be a Blu-Ray release because...well, I don't have a blu-ray. Yet. I'm saving for a Panasonic DMP-BD30. But if there's anything that will make me shell out hundreds of dollars for a blu-ray right this second, it's a complete edition of Kill Bill. I can't wait for this. Bet it comes out around Christmas.