
Superman...No More!!!

Ok, that title's a little misleading. The truth is there will no doubt be plenty more Superman films coming out of the WB camp in the future, but if IESB is to be believed, we can pretty much close the book on the previous run. Word out of Warner Bros. is that they are looking at Bryan Singer's underwhelming Superman Returns as the end of the Richard Donner run of movies. With any future films, the idea is to start from scratch, injecting Superman with more action than was seen in Singer's film. Since Singer is no longer attatched to the franchise, it makes sense to start over anyway. I also think this puts the final nail in Brandon Routh returning as Supes, which is a good thing.

The only question left is who will helm the new Superman? Rumors have been floating around for months about the Wachowski Brothers. Another contender is James McTeigue, who has worked under the Wachowski's for years and directed V for Vendetta and the upcoming Ninja Assassin, the Wachowski's producing both. Considering their past association, it's possible the Wachowski's will produce Superman with McTeigue directing.

I wasn't much of a fan of V for Vendetta, so the idea of McTeigue does nothing for me. The Wachowski's on the other hand, I can get behind that idea. Say what you want about their weird personalities or the way they destroyed the Matrix franchise, the fact remains they are great at directing action, which Superman sorely needs. Just don't let them anywhere near the script. Put Geoff Johns on writing duty, have the Wachowski's direct, and you've got yourself a sure winner.