
Check out the sad sad trailer for Smokin' Aces 2: Assassin's Ball

I've made no secret of the fact that I didn't like Smokin' Aces. I loathe it. I hate it with the heat of a thousand suns. It's in my bottom 10 of all-time, wedged somewhere between The Day After Tomorrow and Vanilla Sky. To me it was a poorly realized attempt to make an American Guy Ritchie film, and it neither had the balls out action or the likable characters to achieve that. Joe Carnahan, I wipe my ass with your movie. Ptewie!

But it goes without saying that the film has it's fans. You throw enough big names and big guns out there and people will ignore all common sense(pun intended) in an effort to support it. So was I surprised when it was revealed that a sequel was in the works? Nope. But what I was surprised by was that it was straight to DVD. A look at the cast list reveals almost nobody that you'll care to remember, and it's being directed by PJ Pesce, who has made a career making low budge straight to DVD sequels of bad films with marginal name recognition. The trailer for this potential turd is below. Revel in it's awfulness. And those of you who asked for this? Karma's a bitch.