
Framelight Goes All Dystopian with Chi-Chian

Dig this premise: a fairy tale about a dystopian future in which New York has lost it's independence and is now a Japanese prefecture. An ordinary woman is forced to defend her family in this strange world against samurai, zombies, and robots.

I always said if zombies and robots could ever figure out a way to coexist, they'd take over the world!

What the hell? Sounds weird, but that's the story behind Chi-Chian, graphic novel turned animated flash series created by an avant garde musician known as Voltaire. Framelight studios has optioned the rights to the series and will produce it to be a big screen feature. No word yet on a release date.

Voltaire, along with being an accomplished musician is also a professor at the School of Visual Arts in New York, with animation as his specialty. Chi-Chian began life as a 6 issue comic series, which eventually grew to the point where it became a role playing game. He has also written music for Cartoon Network and MTV programs, which I won't hold against him.

I don't know this Voltaire guy or his music. But he named his son Mars, which means he either has a fondness for early Spike Lee characters, candy bar companies, or has a planetary fixation. Whatever his excuse, I like the originality of the plot, so let's hope this thing looks as good as it sounds.