I haven't been the biggest fan of Angelina Jolie but she makes some interesting film choices, and this is one that's piqued my interest. The formerly hot and leggy actress is reportedly in talks to take on the role of Patrizia Reggiano in Ridley Scott's upcoming drama, Gucci. The film tells the tale of the rise of the Gucci fashion house, which once dominated the scene to the tune of $500M a year. At the height of the line's success and on the verge of wrestling further control, Reggiano had the head of the company, Maurizio Gucci, murdered by a hired hitman. No word as yet on who will take on the role of Maurizio, although speculation has leaned towards Leonardo DiCaprio, frequent Scott collaborator. Fox2000 is looking for a 2010 start date for the film.
I love these movies about powerful families and their many excesses, and the in-fighting and turmoil that always comes hand-in-hand with them. They pretty much always end up in disaster.
Variety has more on the story right here.