
Three Horror Animes to Watch This Halloween

Mania came up with a great top ten Horror Anime list right in time for Halloween. I would have added the following three anime series (or movies) to the list:

1. Vampire Hunter D -

One of the classic vampire animes. It's about a future Earth where vampires are hunted by bounty hunters. One of the bounty hunters is a half vampire/half human breed that is hired to find a girl who has been taken by the vampires, or has she? This is a great movie that everyone should watch.

2. Hellsing -

Vampires, blood, and gore. These are the three reasons that Hellsing is a great horror anime series. The main character Alucard is mysterious and freaky. You are wondering the entire time where he came from, how did he become a vampire, and why is he so powerful. It's definitely one of the horror anime series to watch.

3. Demon City Shinjuku -


I saw this movie this year, and I was shocked that I didn't see it before. The anime is about the battle between good and evil. An unlikely hero has to overcome his insecurities and rise above to fight the evil Rebi Ra to save humanity. It was kind of freaky to have a city overrun my demons, who kill you in the most grotesque ways.

Photos Sources:

Vampire Hunter D - volume 4, originally uploaded by arellis49.

hellsing_5_1024, originally uploaded by edek_z_kredek.