
Bad Lieutenant Takes Aim at Little Fockers

I'm convinced that the people behind the Meet the Parents franchise are trying to make this turd film...excuse me, third film the worst possible movie ever. In another bit of shameful casting, Harvey Keitel(Bad Lieutenant, Pulp Fiction) has signed on to the already overloaded comedy. Since there ain't room for him to be some long distant cousin of the Focker Clan, Keitel will be playing the exhilerating role of a contractor who works with Ben Stiller's character. Doesn't that sound exciting? No, not to me either.

I liked Meet the Parents well enough, but it wasn't anything special. I own it basically because....shit, why do I own it? Meet the Fockers was downright miserable. Same tired jokes from the first movie told by different people. Now this third one is a borderline "AVOID" when it hits theaters. The less I see of Streisand's nose the better.