
Rambo V Now Creature Free

Back in September, we had posted about Sylvester Stallone's plans for the fifth(!!) film starring his iconic Rambo character. The plan then was to take the franchise in a totaly different direction. Rather than hunting down vicious war criminals or terrorists, Rambo would find himself gun barrel to fang against some sort of superhuman creature. Didn't really make much sene at the time, and apparently Sly feels the same way. He has since revealed to fans via the StalloneZone site, that the sci-fi elements of the story have since been scrapped. He goes on to say...

I’m letting you know that Rambo has changed course and the story about hunting the man/beast will be done using another character in the lead. RAMBO himself will be heading over the border to a violent city where many young women have vanished.

There will be blood.

Sly Stallone

Good idea. Stallone will use that other story in a totally separate film, possibly using another of his established characters. Personally I'd love to see the characters from Copland do battle with a savage alien foe.