* Our friends at Ain't It Cool News are sighting a source who revealed that the title for the upcoming Die Hard flick will be Die Hard 24/7. Trying to steal Jack Bauer's thunder, maybe? They are very similar films in premise.
* AICN also reports from an inside source that the upcoming Fantastic Four reboot, which was announced on the day Disney snatched up Marvel Entertainment, could be titled Fantastic Four Reborn. That alone pretty much confirms that we aren't going to be seeing any of the original cast anywhere near this project. Except Marvel to take a younger angle similar to what they're doing with Spidey.
* The Fright Night remake by Craig Gillespie is actually starting to sound better than the campy original. Along with Colin Farrell and Anton Yelchin, they've now added Christopher Mintz-Plasse(Superbad
* Perhaps hoping some of the James Cameron magic will rub off, New Line/Warner Brothers have hired long time Cameron protege, Steven Quayle to direct Final Destination 5. It makes sense, although I think nothing's gonna help this franchise. Quayle worked with Cameron on Avatar