* It's official! As
speculated yesterday, Paramount is now confirming that they are working with Tom Cruise on a film based on his popular Les Grossman character from Tropic Thunder. Cruise and Ben Stiller will co-produce from a script written by Michael Bacall(
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World
). Hyped yet? Me neither. This is a woeful idea.
*Remember all that stuff about the fourth
film being a reboot with a whole new cast? Well, that might still be true but the chances of at least Matt Damon returning have improved. Fox has managed to snag Tony Gilroy, who's been responsible for writing all of the previous awesome Jason Bourne flicks, to pen the script for the next film. The title will be The Bourne Legacy, and is said to not follow the plot of the next book in the Robert Ludlum series at all but will be a completely new adventure. That's good, because the books suck wind after the third one. While director Paul Greengrass is still distancing himself, Gilroy's signing could lure Matt Damon back.
* The unthinkable has....almost happened.
, the 1990 paranormal romance that sent every lonely woman racing to her nearest pottery class is being remade. But before you start sending Paramount Pictures death threats and hardened lumps of clay, just know that it's only being remade in Japan. With Japanese actors. And Japanese sensibilities. So we're safe.......for now.