The latest from acclaimed writer/director Woody Allen is a twisting tale of two married couples, Helena (Gemma Jones) and Alfie (Anthony Hopkins) as well as their daughter Sally (Naomi Watts) and her husband Roy (Josh Brolin). The story picks up just after Alfie has left Helena in the midst of a late life crisis leaving Helena lost and alone desperately seeking guidance or just a sign of a hope. Sally and Roy are not doing much better as the one time hit writer Roy is struggling to reclaim that slice of acclaim that was once his, and in the process is leaving Sally very much neglected and without the children she so desperately wants. So what are these now estranged couples going to carry on, well, secretly (or not so secretly) in the comfort of another. Alfie finds his with the much younger and very much gold-digging former working girl/actress Charmaine, Helena seeks comfort in the words of a local sham psychic whose word Helena hangs on as if spoken by God himself. Sally finds herself beginning to fall for her boss Greg (Antonio Banderas), and Roy in the mysterious at first “woman in red” Dia (Frieda Pinto), who lives across the alley just in view of Roy’s adoring eye. All of these relationships start out innocently enough but as things progress we see how far each character is prepared to go in pursuit of their own fulfillment.
I’ll begin the rundown by saying that I am not a huge fan of Woody Allen, I liked Vicky Christina Barcelona plenty, and Match Point was pretty good…but that’s where my Allen expertise ends. That being said, I found this film somewhat boring with characters so unlikeable it’s hard to even begin caring what happens to them. It’s definitely not for everyone, especially those looking for a sense of completion in their films I must advise against this cinematic endeavor. Only one of the four main storylines reaches any level of finality and even that could be questioned. I know that we as people can be dark, selfish, and stupid, however I choose to believe that there’s also a good side to us all, a side that is completely absent in this movie. I’m not saying I want a mushy, rose colored view of the world but I would like at least a slice of both sides to the story. You end up feeling somewhat bad for most of the characters throughout the story, and maybe that’s the point, but like I said before the characters are unlikeable from jump street so it’s hard to feel bad for them. The other thing I wasn’t really digging was that all of the storylines, save for Helena’s, was something I’d seen a million times before. The older guy(s) wanting the younger woman and the woman falling for her exotic and rich boss, wow Woody, really dug deep in the old creativity bank for those three didn’t ya?
This isn’t to say that the movie was a stretch of celluloid without a likeable trait, it does have its saving graces. It is funny at times, especially during Helena’s time on screen regurgitating to her family and friends everything her psychic has told her as if it were Gospel, the sheer ridiculousness of it all is enough to give you a chuckle or two. I will also give the giggle award to Charmaine, who’s vapid and bubbly blonde bimbo is just stereotypical enough to incite a few laughs. Roy’s secondary storyline, involving his quest for the next great novel to spring from his mind, is very intriguing though the movie leaves this area gapingly incomplete…I get cliffhangers for sequels sake or even the sake of art but there’s quite a difference between a cliffhanger and an incomplete story, this is the latter. The view, though soggy, is quite beautiful and I must admit well shot, though I’ve always had an affinity for London in film. Lastly is Greg, Sally’s art dealer boss, who was one of the only likeable, yet still flawed, characters in the movie. Banderas does a great job, as always, portraying the wealthy and/or exotic lothario type.
There it is, draw from it what you will and if you’re a fan of Allen maybe it’s worth a see. Though I will say that I spoke to a few Woody Allen fans that didn’t think it was his best work. To be blunt, and restate myself, the movie was just plain boring. Strangely enough it does keep you interested but feeling as if you don’t know why your interested in something so blah. My opinion, it’s certainly not worth the premium you’ll pay at an art house theater and if you find it at a multiplex…I still say avoid it. If you feel you must see it’s definitely a rental at the most, if for no other reason than the fact there is nothing in the film that is enhanced by the big screen. Save your money, time, gas, and faith in humanity. Skip this one.
2 out of 5 Guttenberg's