The Dark Knight Rises will wrap up Christopher Nolan's amazing trilogy on July 20th 2012!
The Dark Knight Rises fan made teaser trailer
With the recent news that Anne Hathaway and Tom Hardy would be terrorizing Batman as Catwoman and Bane in The Dark Knight Rises, it was only a matter of time before the fan made trailers started hitting the 'net. Well here's the first one I've seen, and it's pretty good. In particular I like the use of Tom Hardy's voiceover from his real breakout role in Bronson
, and it also gives you a look at how physically imposing he can be. If you haven't seen that flick, do yourself a favor and pick it up now.
The Dark Knight Rises will wrap up Christopher Nolan's amazing trilogy on July 20th 2012!
The Dark Knight Rises will wrap up Christopher Nolan's amazing trilogy on July 20th 2012!