Their story states that Prometheus is clearly set in the 'Aliens
"Part of the film will be shot in Morocco," says this mystery source. "I've heard that some sort of archaeological dig where they discover alien DNA takes place there and that DNA gives them the coordinates for an alien world. I've also heard Morocco is being used for alien planet landscapes so I'm not sure if it's an archaeological dig on another planet."
So was Ridley Scott being literal in his original statement? I don't think so, which means either some story elements have changed along the way(always a possibility) or this report from Sky Movies is incorrect. Here is what Scott said word for word...
"While Alien was indeed the jumping off point for this project, out of the creative process evolved a new, grand mythology and universe in which this original story takes place. The keen fan will recognize strands of Alien’s DNA, so to speak, but the ideas tackled in this film are unique, large and provocative. I couldn’t be more pleased to have found the singular tale I’d been searching for, and finally return to this genre that’s so close to my heart."
That to me doesn't sound like somebody revisiting much of anything. It's possible that the Space Jockey cockpit being worked on is just as the launching pad for a different design. I'm going to consider this rumor bogus until we learn something more.