I'm still unsure what to make of Sacha Baron's Cohen's next film, The Dictator. What we know of the plot has him playing dual roles: one as a goatherder, and the other as a ruthless dictator left wandering the streets of the United States. Anna Faris is in there as the owner of an organic food shop who he becomes romantically involved with. Sir Ben Kingsley is some sort of Middle Eastern dude, and Jason Mantzoukas is the dictator's sidekick.
The question I want to know is how much of this movie is scripted? Will this be another showcase for Cohen to run around and blow up the spot while the cameras roll? Larry Charles, who directed both Borat and the terrible follow-up, Bruno
The above image is the first official one, featuring Cohen in his dictator garb. Thanks to The Huffington Post for the heads up! The Dictator is slotted to open on May 11th 2012!