
Leonardo DiCaprio to star opposite Beyonce in Clint Eastwood's A Star is Born remake?

We havent' actually written about Clint Eastwood's remake of A Star is Born since January, when it was pretty much signed and sealed that he'd be directing Beyonce in the film about an upstart actress who falls in with a struggling alcoholic has-been. It always seemed like an odd pair, and part of me kept expecting to see some news of her quietly dropping out. That doesn't look like it's happening now, as Deadline not only reaffirms her role but now says a leading man may be on the horizon.

Eastwood has been busy putting the finishing touches on J. Edgar, his biopic on the life of FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover. Leonardo DiCaprio is starring, and apparently Eastwood has been whispering in his ear about making the jump over to A Star is Born when it's all finished. That seems to be the gist of it for now. Eastwood was hoping to start production on the film later this year, but with DiCaprio all locked in for Baz Luhrmann's The Great Gatsby, and likely Quentin Tarantino's Django Unchained, it seems unlikely he'd be able to join unless Warner Brothers pushes the start date back. They might be willing to do that for a name like DiCaprio, who instantly makes the film a possible Oscar contender and guaranteed $100M grosser.

I'm mostly weary of Eastwood as the director of a film like this. The last time he branched into unfamiliar territory it was his molasses slow supernatural drama, Hereafter. I kinda like Eastwood working on easily digestible, no frills flicks and this certainly wouldn't apply.