
New poster for Young Adult, starring Charlize Theron

I love movies about horrible people. Good people are boring, and their motivations are simple. But awful folks? They're complicated, usually comically selfish, and are the most fun to watch get their comeuppance. If you thought Cameron Diaz's character in Bad Teacher needed was screwed up, she ain't got nothin' on Charlize Theron in Young Adult. Or at least that's what I'm hearing from those who've caught sneak previews of it. Lucky bastards.

The next film from Jason Reitman, and his second collaboration with writer Diablo Cody(Juno), Theron plays a self centered writer of teen fiction who returns to her Minnesota hometown to relive her glory days and steal back her old high school flame(Patrick Wilson). Problem is he's married. With kids. Not that she cares. 

The marketing campaign has been spot on thus far. The trailer rocked, and I loved the initial poster that looked like a Sweet Valley High novel. But this new one-sheet is even better, with the awesome tagline of "Everyone gets old. Not everyone grows up." I love it.  Young Adult will open in limited release on December 9th, and then nationally a week later.