New season of Arrested Development lands on Netflix
Alright, Arrested Development fans, you can commence celebrating. The Bluths are back, and they've found a new home with Netflix, the online streaming and DVD service that has had a pretty crappy last few months. A move like this should be a good step to getting back in a lot of people's good graces.
It was only a few weeks ago that show creator Mitchell Hurwitz announced his plans for a fourth season of the cult favorite series, which had been cancelled back in 2006 after three beloved but low rated seasons. That sparked a bidding war between Netflix and Showtime primarily. Frankly I'm surprised Netflix won out.
The reason I say that is Hurwitz clearly has designs on using this new season to drum up support for the Arrested Development movie everyone's been clamoring for. Showtime provides greater visibility, and perhaps would even invest if the TV series proved to be popular enough. Showtime's been trying for years to match HBO in the movie department, and this would have been a solid play for them. But Netflix wins, although the number of episodes have not been determined yet. The start date is expected to be in 2013.
Now the question is whether or not Hurwitz's stated plan goes into effect, which consisted of doing about a 10 episode season focusing on one member of the Bluth clan and their whereabouts. So now you have another reason to re-up with Netflix. Let's hope it's another step to seeing the gang on the big screen in the next couple of years. [Variety]