Robert Pattinson gets drafted into 'Mission: Blacklist'
We've entered into an interesting period for movies dealing with so-called "global war on terror". With both of our most visible enemies in Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein gone, we've seen a number of movies that are dealing with the events leading up to their capture or demise. Well now you can add one more, and it'll feature a most unlikely star.
Robert Pattinson will star in Mission: Blacklist, a psychological thriller based on the book co-written by military interrogator Eric Maddox and Davin Seay. The true story will follow Maddox's hunt for Saddam Hussein, and the many factors that led up that moment on December 13th 2003 when he uncovered the dictator's whereabouts in Tikrit. Remember the scraggly beard and the spiderholes and all that good stuff? Maddox was a big part of all that. Band of Brothers scribe, Erik Jendresen, should be the perfect choice to adapt the material, with the search for a director still going on.
I like some of the choices Pattinson has made in trying to separate himself from just playing pretty vampires. He's shown a willingness to try things that may not be the most lucrative films, but give him the chance to work with some top notch directors on challenging material. His most adventurous role yet is right around the corner as David Cronenberg's Cosmopolis premieres at Cannes next month.