
Ashley Bell and Neal McDonough join 'The Marine: Homefront'

WWE Studios got off to a shaky start when trying to cast up their latest knuckle-headed  action flick, The Marine: Homefront. Randy Orton was set to lead the film, before actual marines got pissed over his checkered military background, forcing Vince McMahon to move in a different direction. Instead he turned to ex-Real World star and former WWE World Heavyweight champion, Mike "The Miz" Mizanin. He'll be the third WWE superstar to front the franchise after John Cena and Ted "Zzzzzzzz" Dibiase, Jr.  Yeah, Dibiase was a bad call, Vince. Bad call.

The latest to join the film are Neal McDonough and Ashley Bell, two solid additions who continue the WWE's recent good luck with snagging quality actors for their films. The story is fairly thin as you might expect, with The Miz playing a Marine Sergeant who returns home to his small hometown, only to discover that his sister(Bell) has been kidnapped by a domestic terrorist(McDonough) with plans of unleashing an elaborate attack on American sol.  McDonough recently played Dum Dum Dugan in Captain America: The First Avenger, and should be back for the upcoming sequel.  Bell was a stand out as the possessed victim in 2010's The Last Exorcism, and will also star in WWE Studios' apocalyptic thriller, The Day.

Production on The Marine: Homefront is underway in Vancouver, which explains why The Miz only turns up on TV to get his ass kicked right now. Expect that to change drastically once filming is completed and the WWE wants to hype the movie up. [Variety]