
Is Marvel planning 'Guardians of the Galaxy' for 2014?

This is one of those stories that is really cool, but in the overall scheme of things doesn't move the ball forward all that much. We first learned of Marvel's planning a film based on the Guardians of the Galaxy last August. That was followed up just two months later when Marvel Prez, Kevin Feige, confirmed the film was in their future plans. So that aspect we already knew. The latest rumor, courtesy of Latino Review, is that the film may be announced as early as this upcoming Comic-Con for a release date on May 16th 2014.

The May 16th date is one that we've all been obsessing over for awhile, as Marvel and Disney have been keeping the slot vacant. If this turns out to be true, Guardians of the Galaxy would be the second Marvel film that year, after the Captain America sequel releases a month prior. It makes sense for Marvel to go this route, as the Guardians would take the cinematic universe into the far reaches of space where we haven't seen any stories set. Plus, they have some pretty close ties to The Avengers and Thanos, the villain we know will be a thorn in everybody's side in upcoming movies. One time traveling member of the team, Major Victory, used to wield Captain America's shield which had been lost in the future.

This is all speculation until we get some kind of confirmation from Marvel, especially in the wake of the recent Black Panther rumor which turned out to be false. Also by Latino Review, by the way. But I think they may be right about this one, as Marvel's been busy locking up a number of Guardians of the Galaxy trademarks in preparation for something big.