
Three new clips from 'Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter'

One of the most intriguing test cases this summer is going to be Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, a film that has a lot going for it, but just as much that could hold it back. Based on the novel by Seth Graham-Smith(who also adapted the script), the Timur Bekmambetov-directed film follows the secret history of our 16th President and America. As a young boy, Lincoln witnessed the murder of his parents by a pack of vampires, and swore from that day on to see that every bloodsucker would die at the end of his axe.

Benjamin Walker makes for an interesting choice to play Lincoln, as he's a name most people aren't familiar with, and thus isn't likely to draw many people on his own. On the flipside, this would seem to be the perfect vehicle for building a new star, as the novel concept has definitely caught a lot of mainstream attention that could boost it to a strong opening weekend. Walker is being looked at as a future star(he recently joined Henry Cavill in The Great Wall), and this is going to be a gauge on his potential. On the other hand, we've seen these genre mash-ups before, most notably in last year's Cowboys & Aliens, and that didn't work out so well. Nor did the last Burton/Grahame-Smith collaboration turn out so well with Dark Shadows. 20th Century Fox has been relying on Burton's name as a producer to help drum up interest, and so far it seems to be working. We'll see how things pan out when Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter opens on June 22nd.

Shocktilyoudrop has three new clips from the film, and they are pure adrenaline pumping action. The first gives us our best look at Anthony Mackie as Lincoln's friend and valet, William Johnson, as they both try to stop a vampire attack atop a moving train. Lincoln shows off his kung fu style in the second clip, forced into a fight against twenty vampires by Rufus Sewell's character, the villain of the film. And the final has Lincoln in training with his mentor, Henry Sturgess, played by Dominic Cooper, who teaches him that awesome one-swing slow motion chop we've been seeing in the trailers. Frankly, the whole thing looks campy as all Hell, but also like it could be a lot of fun. Check out the clips below....