
Darren Aronofosky casts his Cain and Abel for 'Noah'

We've seen the massive Ark being built for Darren Aronofsky's Biblical epic, Noah, and with production about to kick off he's still putting his cast together. So far he's managed to snag pretty much every big name he's wanted(except for Michael Fassbender), and now he's adding a pair of unknowns to play the most famous siblings in history.

The Icelandic pair of Jóhannes Haukur Jóhannesson and Arnar Dan are set to play Cain and Abel in the film. Now, to the best of my admittedly limited knowledge of the Bible, Cain and Abel don't have anything to do with Noah's story, so they'll likely be seen in flashback or to set up the fall of man that convinces God to unleash the holy heck of floods on the planet. Cain and Abel were the sons of Adam and Eve, the first humans to be born. Abel also has the distinction of being the first human to die, as Cain murdered his brother when God showed preference to Abel's offerings.

Russell Crowe, Jennifer Connelly, Emma Watson, Douglas Booth, Logan Lerman, Anthony Hopkins, Ray Winstone, Marton Csokas, Dakota Goyo, and Kevin Durand star when Noah hits theaters on March 28th 2014. [Iceland Review]

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