
Is the 'Before Sunrise/Before Sunset' sequel filming in Greece right now?

It was about nine years between Before Sunrise and Before Sunset, the beloved pair of indie films from Richard Linklater, Julie Delpy, and Ethan Hawke. As we get closer to the same length of time after the last film, the word has started to build that a sequel, possibly titled Before Midnight, is in the works. That talk got louder when Delpy confirmed it herself late last year, followed up a couple of months ago by Hawke who stated that filming would begin this summer. That was quickly shot down by Delpy who said the trio were still hammering out a script, and that production wouldn't likely begin for at least a year. But is it possible that filming is already taking place? The first film was shot Vienna, the second in Paris, and now evidence points to Hawke being in Greece and working on....something.

Props to ThePlaylist for putting together all of the pieces, citing Greece Reporter which says that Linklater has turned Messinia in the southwest Peloponnese into a film set for the third leg of the trilogy. Flix notes that Linklater's Detour Films is working with the Greece-based Faliro House to co-produce the film, which goes a long way in explaining the setting. It's The Sceptical Traveler blog which speculates on the Before Midnight title, and confirms that Hawke is indeed on the island working on a Greek/American film, with only rumors of Delpy's presence. And lastly, whatever it is that Hawke is working on began production on August 15th.

All of this might not amount to squat. It's possible Hawke and Linklater are just doing some location scouting and that the script really isn't finished. We'll just have to wait and see, but I'm excited at the prospect of seeing where Jesse and Celine's story goes next.