
Sure Shots: Hilary Swank; Robert Stromberg; Todd Phillips

* In development for years, Hilary Swank has finally found a director to lead her adaptation of Michelle Wildgen's novel, You're Not You. George C. Wolfe(Night in Rodanthe) will direct the film, which has Swank starring as Kate, a 36-year old woman stricken with ALS, who hires 23-year old Bec as her caretaker. The story follows the course of their relationship, detailing Kate's struggle to reconcile the woman she is now with the commanding presence she used to be. Jeremy Renner had been rumored to play Swank's husband in the film, but there's been no confirmation of that yet. The search is on right now for an actress to play Bec, a role I'm sure many will be clamoring for. [Variety]

* We're still a couple of years before Robert Stromberg's directorial debut with the Sleeping Beauty reimagining, Maleficent, and already he's thinking ahead to his next project. The two-time Oscar winner is set to direct Safari, the first film from his new production company, Hydra. Described as a cross between Jurassic Park and Avatar, IOTG describes the film as an "action-comedy about a family that goes on a chic Safari that's 'too Disneyland' so they trek out for an authentic experience. They live a crazy adventure out in the jungle and have to use their wits to get them out." The story was dreamed up by Matt Lopez(Bedtime Stories) with the most recent draft written by Ed Solomon(Men in Black). This one's going to be quite a ways off as Stromberg will be busy with Maleficent until it opens in March 2014. [Variety]

* Todd Phillips isn't wasting any time looking beyond The Hangover Part III. Already with a handful of projects on the calendar, last month he took on a remake of The Gambler, and now he's adding another film to the pile. Warner Bros. has picked up the rights to Trust Your Eyes, Linwood Barclay's novel about a map-obsessed schizophrenic who witnesses a murder via a Google Earth-type computer program. Investigating the crime with his disbelieving brother, the two find themselves in the crosshairs of a corrupt cop and his icepick-wielding henchwoman. Sounds awesome. A writer still needs to be found, so don't expect to hear from this one for awhile. Phillips seems to be making an effort to get as far away from comedy as possible, and I'm digging the darker turn he's taking. [Variety]