
Bill Murray Has Some Ideas for that All-Female 'Ghostbusters' Movie

Considering most had begun to write off a potential Ghostbusters 3 as a terrible idea cursed from the start, the positive reaction to Paul Feig (Bridesmaids) directing a female-led version was a step in the right direction. While there hasn't been any official casting just yet, one person who thinks it's a good idea is Bill Murray, who famously has refused to return for the sequel. While at TIFF reaping a ton of Oscar buzz for his performance in St. Vincent, Murray was asked by Access Hollywood about a female Ghostbusters movie and was extremely enthusiastic about it. Enthusiastic enough to maybe change his mind and come back?

Murray: "It sounds great to me. It sounds as good an idea as any other! There are a lot of women that could scare off any kind of vapor! No, it’s a grand idea, I don’t know who they’re talking about, but it’s a good idea, I would watch it! I mean, I love Robert Palmer’s videos, so why wouldn’t I love the female Ghostbusters?"

While talking to the Toronto Star he even came up with a few casting suggestions, including his St. Vincent co-star Melissa McCarthy...

Murray: “Melissa would be a spectacular Ghostbuster. And Kristen Wiig is so funny — God, she’s funny! I like this girl Linda Cardellini a lot. And Emma Stone is funny. There are some funny girls out there.”

All of those would be amazing choices, and the duo of McCarthy and Wiig even have box office cred together after Bridesmaids. But Cardellini, best known for ER and the Scooby-Doo movies, is a surprise choice and an inspired one. McCarthy seemed flattered and a little taken aback at Murray's idea...

McCarthy: "Oh, my God, that’s daunting. That’s taking on a legend, a legendary movie. But I would do anything with those ladies, anything at all.”

She made clear that nobody has approached her about it, and basically this is just Murray riffing on the idea because he was asked. Chances are Sony and Feig are already looking at these ladies, anyway. Well, except for Cardellini who is a little under the radar but hopefully Murray's seal of approval will change that. [SchmoesKnow]