
Check Out a First Look at Michael B. Jordan in His 'Fantastic Four' Costume

Is Josh Trank's Fantastic Four relaunch a disaster before anybody has seen a second of footage? Many have already begun to assume the worse since 20th Century Fox have passed up on every chance to show anything from the film. But the curtain is finally getting lifted now as Collider has provided the first set photo which shows Michael B. Jordan in his Johnny Storm costume.

By now it's become clear that this version of the Fantastic Four won't be like any version we've seen before. It's basically an origin story that Trank tells the site will be inspired by David Cronenberg  movies like The Fly and Scanners....

"Maybe the biggest influence for me in terms of an overall view and communicating tool to the various department was Scanners or The Fly. In terms of the feeling of what these powers are. Because the drama speaks for itself in terms of the script or the story but the look of the movie and the feel of the movie has to be more evocative.

I would say that the science fiction of it is a big thing that sets it apart from most of the other superhero genre films. I’m a huge David Cronenberg fan, and I always viewed Fantastic Four and the kind of weirdness that happens to these characters and how they’re transformed to really fall in line more with a Cronenberg-ian science fiction tale of something horrible happening to your body and [it] transforming out of control. And the potential for a hard sci-fi take on that material makes me really excited."

The Fantastic Four has always been rooted in hard sci-fi so it shouldn't be completely surprising that Trank is going in that direction. It sounds like he'll be taking an approach very similar to Chronicle, which begs the question if the film will be done with found footage. Some rumors I've heard are that it will be entirely in found footage, but that's still just a rumor. Trank did confirm that Philip Glass and Marco Beltrani are working on the score, while the final runtime could be be as long as 140 minutes. We'll learn more when the Fantastic Four trailer arrives next month ahead of its release on August 7th.