
Talking Tigers? Possible Details on Michelle MacLaren's 'Wonder Woman' Exit Emerge

Last night word broke that Wonder Woman director Michelle MacLaren had departed the superhero project over "creative differences", a catch-all phrase that can mean just about anything. Her hiring had been a pretty big deal as the TV director had a following based on her work on Breaking Bad and Game of Thrones, but also because it was a female director getting her first shot at the big time. Now some additional information has surfaced that may explain why Warner Bros. felt the move had to be made.

According to Badass Digest, Maclaren's take on Wonder Woman may have "alienated" the fanbase. By their reporting, MacLaren and the studio couldn't agree on anything, from the time period to Wonder Woman having a talking pet tiger sidekick. Seriously. The DC Universe loves their super-animals, but....no, this would have been a terrible idea.

MacLaren had been contributing to the screenplay but we may see the whole thing thrown out when a new director arrives. The film isn't expected to open until 2017 so there is time to find her replacement. Not a ton of time, though. Expect more news on this soon.